Thursday, October 18, 2012

Timing Is Everything

This Emotional Life, here we go again with the revamping of me, with the revamping of this blog. You know I planned to blog at least twice weekly. Said to myself that I would be committed that I would be disciplined that I would focus in. I just knew that I was on the right track. That my PLANS were perfect. That I had finally found my niche.  Well....

If I may be transparent. Let's say that God laughed at my plans. And so I got stuck. I battled the Lord and said hey I got this. You gave me the goods now let me handle the rest. Well needless to say. I know that I need to HIT rockbottom in order to hear God. So he shook my world up a little bit. Startled mr. Removed people and things from my Life that I began to worship and put before him.

So I had go RETHINK my plan. I had to RETHINK my purpose and I had to RETHINK would I placed as sovereign.

So now here we go again. I believe that I have bumped my head enough to realize what I need to do <--- that was more me telling God. But here I go once again. But I am sure that you will enjoy this journey with me. I challenge you to answer the questions that I ask my self. Respond send your praises and your regrets.

Join me on this Journey to Right. Be blessed.

Proverbs 16:1-4

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Don't you dare let the magnitude of your fears send you back to dry land. Keep moving out deeper, Keep reaching up. 

What are you RUNNING from?

Recently I woke up with what felt like the weight of the world on my shoulders and my heart. It's was like the faith that I had along the way had suddenly become non existent. It was as if for a matter of 45 minutes, I had forgot all about this God that I have been professing to love unconditionally and trusting with all of my heart. Then I read some notes from a recent service at my church. I prayed and realized that all of my circumstances were because I had chosen to go against Gods will. And ultimately I needed to stop running from those things. I don't always like to confront things head on so I avoid them at all cost. But now it's time to get it together. 

I have made up my mind to stop running to confront my fears and fear of failures and move forward head on. 

So I ask you to ask yourself what are you running from? Finances, broken relationships, purity? Whatever your silent battle is decide to turn it around today. The recovery will not be as easy as the adventure was. But the end reward will be worthwhile. Who doesn't want peace of mind? Who doesn't want to start a new. So you go forward and you move forward in the spirit.  Pray about everything. Worry about nothing. 

Stop running. 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The DRIVE ----->

What motivates you? What drives you? What makes you just want to scream from the mountain tops with exhilaration? Have you found that thing yet? That drive? That Passion? Often times I think that we limit ourselves. Well let me speak for myself? I sometimes limit myself to what I am capable of. I stifle my own progression and excellence. But why? Sometimes is the decisions that I make and then it is the discipline. I have to learn discipline to get the results that I want. More often than not I am not seeking greatness or excellence. I am often not focused on the present space and just focused on the prior moments and moments passed. I value the opinion of those that I care about tremendously. Probably more than I should and I often doubt myself and my abilities. This here today is the RAW me telling you to listen and telling myself to wake up!!! Don’t ever let anyone tell you what you can and can’t do. This is life right? This is your one shot!!! Yea its hard but the reward is breathtaking.  People will spit in your face. People will break your heart. People will laugh at your pain. Some days will hurt you to your very core to the pits of your being. It will happen, but don’t ever FLIPPING give up. Just don’t. You can’t. Because even though there are all these people telling you “no” and “you can’t,” there is at least one person looking up to you and hoping to follow in your footsteps.

That person that I look up to is my sister!! Now she isn't my blood but this girl is DRIVEN!!!! Kellie Brown Founder/CEO/President/Artisan of Karma Kollections!! Her discipline her determination and her ability to move people with a jewelry collection with purpose is like none other. I watch her move diligently. I watch her work Purposefully. There is a glimmer in her eyes when she works, when she interacts with customers and i appreciate that! I appreciate her.

So let's move!! FLIP a resolution but how can I expect results if I am unwilling to put forth effort. I am motivated!! I am ready!!! I want you to focus on whats holding you back. Why are you not giving your all. And what is that extra push that you need to push fully and completely forward. Focus and focus some more. Its nobodies fault but your own that you are not where you want/need to be. Here goes nothing on this Journey 2 Right!!!